If a company plans to extend its operations through an (international) acquisition or merger, numerous business, legal and tax issues are involved. How will the transaction be funded? Is it possible to structure the (international) acquisition or merger such that no tax will be due in the Netherlands or elsewhere? Will it be an asset deal or a share for share deal? How will you deal with current tax risks or claims from clients of the company which has been taken over? Is it necessary to conduct due diligence research preceding the merger or the acquisition? What options are available to offset the losses belonging to the company which has been taken over or merged after this transaction?
We are experienced in dealing with the (international) tax consequences of such transactions. Innovative Tax is at your disposal to provide tax counseling and to add value to your deal. With regard to international tax issues involved in mergers & acquisitions, together with our network of reliable independent local tax advisors, we can meet your expectations.


- Tax counseling relating to mergers and acquisitions
- Tax counseling relating to the R&D innovation box
- Tax counseling relating to the emigration of you or your company
- Tax counseling relating to expatriate workers
- Tax counseling relating to tax law proceedings at the (high) Court
- Tax counseling relating to international tax matters
- Managing your private and corporate tax compliance
- Providing (in-house) training on international tax matters
- Optimizing the tax position of the company and that of the director-shareholder(s) in private